



技术服务 Technical Service

我公司的服务原则是:质量第一, 服务至上. 买产品就是买服务。良好的售后服务是公司不断发展的保证,也是客户信赖的基础。


(1) 乙方在设备交付使用后,定期每月派技术人员到现场进行实地了解设备运行情况。如发现问题及时提供技术服务。

(2) 在保修期内,设备产生故障(除人为误操作及外部原因以外),乙方负责免费维修。

(3) 在保修期过后,乙方以质量第一,服务至上的企业原则,长期为甲方提供专业完善的技术支持。维修服务酌情收取材料成本费及人工费。

(4) 在保修期内以及之后正常使用期间,设备产生故障(除人为误操作及外部原因以外),乙方在接到甲方通知后,保证8小时内安排技术人员上门排除故障。



Technical Service

"Quality first,service supreme.Good product - good service"
- is our company's service principle. Our company's continuous development is built upon providing quality after-sales service; this has earned us our customer's trust.

The Company pledges to provide the Client quality after-sales service as described below:

(1) After the equipment is handed over to the Client, we will send technical personnel for monthly on-site visits to check the system operation. If there is any problem in the system, we will provide timely technical service support.

(2) Within warranty period, if the system has trouble (except for damage caused by incorrect installation, use, unauthorized modifications or repair and other external forces), we are responsible to repair it free-of-charge.

(3) After the warranty period, in accordance with our "Quality first,service supreme" principle, we offer long term technical expertise support to customer. Material and labor costs will be charged at cost price.

(4) Within warranty period and after warranty period, when the customer informs us of any system malfunction (except for damage caused by incorrect installation, use, unauthorized modifications or repair and other external forces), we promise that our technical person will be on-site to check the system within 4 hours.

If you want to get any more details, you can call our company technical support hotline: 021-65219192.
Shanghai TianOu Environment Protection & Technical Engineering CO. Ltd.

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